Luxurique 的可持续发展目标计划
Luxurique 完全致力于负责任地运营,使我们的公司与 SDG 目标保持一致,并推动活动计划以建立工作方法和流程,以确保我们为实现这一全球目标尽自己的一份力量。我们不断努力保持我们对可持续发展的所有三个方面的考虑:经济、社会和环境,并在通过旅游业帮助日本经济发展、最大限度地减少我们的业务/活动对当地自然的影响以及提供为我们的游客带来愉悦和创造日本神奇回忆的服务。我们通过 8 个重点领域和举措来实现与 SDG 目标的一致性和合规性。
Luxurique 被公认为日本入境活动和旅游项目的全球市场领导者,我们致力于帮助扩大日本对全球旅游市场的贡献基于三个主要重点领域: _d04a07d8-9cd1- 3239-9149-20813d6c673b_
专注于高质量营销,向全球旅游市场和潜在游客宣传日本的精神和奇观,以及日本如何提供独特而难忘的游客计划和体验,许多人认为这是世界上最好的。_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
为日本旅游业提供建议和咨询服务(基于我们与高端和 VVIP 旅行者打交道的悠久历史),帮助他们了解在产品、服务质量、支持需求方面支持高端旅行者的最佳方式,和游客的期望。我们还专注于一些鲜为人知的区域和城市,销售主要城市和农村地区。我们与支持日本入境旅行的工匠和企业合作,通过我们在全球的直接营销/销售联系帮助他们与外界建立联系,并更好地将他们的服务与外国游客的服务/产品需求和游客支持要求和期望保持一致.我们力求在三者之间达到敏感的平衡:自然;我们独特的双语、双文化和企业流程经验丰富的员工确保在识别、计划和执行日本旅行计划和活动的过程中消除语言和文化障碍,否则这些障碍可能会被视为日本的障碍。在全球旅游市场中占有更重要的份额——无论是公司活动/奖励旅游还是高端私人旅游。
为具有更高客户体验的客户提供服务和支持 被公认为是所有公司的显着差异化因素,但在活动和酒店业中尤其如此。 Luxurique 对客户体验的关注为我们的客户创造了价值和高度的满意度。我们致力于提供最高质量的款待和内容,让我们的客户获得最佳体验。我们的良好业绩记录基于四个主要因素:
我们的灵活性和创造力文化专注于让每个项目的内容都“与众不同”——我们了解不同的品味,并且诚实地知道一个 size 并不适合所有人。
我们专注于在面向客户的系统和服务中提供愉快和引人入胜的客户体验——我们的网站 SNS 渠道和帮助台,以确保我们的客户、合作伙伴和潜在用户能够快速而轻松地访问所需的信息和经验丰富的指导/建议他们做出能够产生最佳结果的决定。
倡议 3:关注支持多样性和包容性_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Luxurique 将多元化和包容性原则作为公司的基础
自 2014 年首次成立以来一直担任校长。我们承诺无条件招聘
年, 我们雇佣了日本人,中国人,韩国人,美国人,和
英国公民身份以及女性与男性之间的良好平衡(目前约为 50/50)和一系列年龄有 40 多年差距/分离的员工。 Luxurique 的其他基本政策是我们支持希望在养家糊口后重返工作岗位的女性,雇用和支持未上过大学的员工发展,以及严格坚持人人机会均等。我们的管理职位是根据能力而不是年龄、性别或服务年限来选择的。我们不断努力为我们的团队创造一个更好的工作场所,以倾听和鼓励意见并容忍不同的态度。 Luxurique 对业务多元化的承诺是首屈一指的。我们很自豪地说,我们的客户来自各行各业,有着各种各样的文化和起源。
We support parents returning to work after raising their families and hiring and supporting employees who have not been to university. Our management positions are selected based on ability, not age, gender, or length of service. We continuously strive to create a better place to work for our team and to listen to and encourage opinions and varying attitudes. Luxurique's commitment to business diversity is second to none. We are proud to say that our guests come from all walks of life, and a wide variety of cultures and origins.
Initiative 4: Supporting Japan's Cultural Heritage and
Artisan Ecosystem
Japan’s history and culture are preserved, in part, through its venues, artisans and performers. We know that if these resources are not nurtured and supported by the industry, they will not survive. We see our role in their preservation as creating international awareness and appreciation by building and promoting experiences and itineraries that are based on these cultural treasures.
Initiative 5: Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty
Employees are a company’s biggest strength. At Luxurique, we consider it essential
to take care of our people, supporting them in furthering their careers and giving
them ample opportunities to excel and take on new responsibilities.
We are proud to say that even throughout the pandemic, we maintained our full
team of employees who chose to stay.
We actively promote exercise and a work-life balance to our employees.
Initiative 6: Contributing to the Local Community and Society
We operate responsibly. Every tour is planned and executed to benefit the local
community because we believe that enriching the areas we operate in is essential
for preserving the heart and spirit of Japan. Thanks to our close partnerships with
local artisans and businesses throughout the country, we can bolster and promote
the otherwise hidden beauties of Japan to people from all walks of life, bringing
recognition and economic growth directly to the communities that need it most.
Initiative 7: Sustainable Operations
Sustainable operations are a fundamental tenet of our business. We routinely review our operations, projects and departments to determine how we can contribute to the conservation and preservation of Japan. Whenever possible, we work with partners who also take sustainability seriously and take appropriate actions to make things better.
Some of the ways we focus on sustainability are:
Regularly communicating and collaborating with our teams on our sustainability programs, objectives, goals, and the part employees play in the overall plan.
We continuously focus our team on reducing wastage in our use of electricity and gas and reducing our use of non-reusable consumables and equipment.
We separate our waste to drive maximum recycling.
Our facilities and IT team are focused on maximising our system's efficiency in utilising resources and energy and recently changed our office hardware to energy-efficient PCs.
Initiative 8: Marketing Focuses and Your Customer Promise
Our main business imperatives are to build market awareness and belief in
Luxurique and maximise guest experiences and satisfaction. We only recommend
and sell third-party experiences that we have vetted and that we believe to be the
best option for our guests.
We actively discourage guests (to the point where, on occasion, we have decided to walk away from business) from choosing services and hospitality content that do not meet our high standard for service quality and experiential outcomes. We don't promise what we can't deliver, and we always focus on getting the most out of an itinerary for our guests. We take service excellence exceptionally seriously and have a robust operational model that drives processes and systems that appropriately monitor and track our delivery - we do not leave things to chance. Accurate, real-time communication and updates with our guests is fundamental to how we operate in project mode.